use the Credit Template on Bloomberg when looking at deals. In many of them, AJs are close to getting shortfalled interest. Oy vey iz mir is more like it.
I guess you're referring to their analytics, which I don't use. I do use them for basic data, like how far up the stack a deal is shorting interest. Cause you don't want to pay in the 50s for a class B which is soon to be an interest-only.
they don't model deals right; they short the WAC IO before they short the non-30%. They also pick and choose what they model; no small balance, no CRE CDO and so on and so on.
use the Credit Template on Bloomberg when looking at deals. In many of them, AJs are close to getting shortfalled interest. Oy vey iz mir is more like it.
Are you talking about the preloaded assumptions (Name = 1) or are you stressing with different assumptions?
I guess you're referring to their analytics, which I don't use. I do use them for basic data, like how far up the stack a deal is shorting interest. Cause you don't want to pay in the 50s for a class B which is soon to be an interest-only.
For clarity, Crabsofsteel is referring to GECMC 2007-C1 AJ VAC , and switching the Template to Credit.
I use their analytics more and more each day. They aren't Intex quality, yet, but they're getting better.
they don't model deals right; they short the WAC IO before they short the non-30%. They also pick and choose what they model; no small balance, no CRE CDO and so on and so on.
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